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Autosomal DNA is passed down to the next generation in the 22 non-sex chromosomes. It is also known as admixture DNA because it is a mixture of DNA from both of your parents and can therefore help you to trace both lines of your family.
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The primary purpose of mitochondrial DNA is to provide energy to the cell. The majority of human DNA is located within the cell; however, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is located outside the cell and is derived from the egg cell passed down from their mother. Females inherit mtDNA from their mothers and pass it on to their children. Males inherit mtDNA from their mothers but do not pass it on to their children.
[Located in Category: DNA Facts]
The Y-chromosome is one of the two sex chromosomes that form one of the 23 pairs of chromosomes in each cell. The Y-chromosome is present in males, who have one X and one Y chromosome. The Y-chromosome is passed down through the male family line.
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Recombination is the exchange of DNA segments occurring during the creation of an egg or sperm from the mother and father for the next generation. The newly formed chromosome in the egg will be a patchwork of contributions from the maternal grandparents, while the newly formed chromosome in the sperm will be a patchwork of contributions from the paternal grandparents. Since the creation of each egg and sperm is an independent event, siblings will inherit different portions of their grandparents' DNA.
[Located in Category: DNA Facts]
The X-chromosome is a sex chromosome. In genetic genealogy it is shown as chromosome 23. A female child receives one X-chromosome form her father and one X-chromosome from her mother. A male child receives an X-chromosome from his mother and Y-chromosome from his father.
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Single-nucleotide polymorphism or SNP (pronounced snip) is a test that confirms your haplogroup by determining if a mutation as occurred from its ancestral state.
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Haplotype is a set of numbers that represent your Y-chromosome or mitochondrial DNA results. It is often referred to as a DNA signature. Male ancestors pass down their haplotype to their sons while female ancestors pass down their own haplotype to their daughters.
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Chromosome mapping is a technique used in autosomal DNA analysis which allows a person to determine which segments of DNA came from which ancestor. In order to map DNA segments on specific chromosomes, you should test a number of close family relatives, for example, parents, children and cousins.
[Located in Category: DNA Facts]
A chromosome browser is a tool that provides a visual representation of one or more chromosomes. FamilyTree DNA, MyHeritage and 23andMe have chromosome browsers. AncestryDNA does not.
[Located in Category: Definitions]
CentiMorgans are units that measure genetic distance along a chromosome taking into account how often recombination occurs in a region. CentiMorgans denote the size of matching DNA segments in autosomal DNA tests. Segments which share a large number of centiMorgans in common are more likely to be of significance and to indicate a common ancestor within a genealogical timeframe.
[Located in Category: Definitions]